Super Solvent for Polyester, Epoxy, and Vinyl Ester Applications
PROSOLVE G-20 is another precision “Super Solvent” that has similar performance to the PROSOLVE G-10, however it is used for ambient applications with high filler and pigment loads requiring fast flocculation. PROSOLVE G-20 will easily clean epoxy and polyester systems that are compounded with typical additives such as calcium carbonate, talc, pigments etc.
PROSOLVE G-20 has an excellent safety and low toxicity profile. There is no sacrifice to effectiveness for safety when using PROSOLVE G-20.
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Can be used several times without degradation
to performance
Quickly flocculates for re-use
Eliminates hazardous waste
Reduces PPE

Cleaning rollers, scissors and all tools
Purging chopper and wet out guns
Flushing putty machines
Works on Polyester, Vinyl Ester, and Epoxy

100% biodegradable
Very low toxicity profile
No Prop 65 ingredients